Thursday, September 04, 2003

"oh yeah, i heard about that on npr"

so lara and i were talking yesterday evening as we were leaving half-priced books.

lara was commenting on how often she finds herself saying "oh yeah, i heard about thisorthat on npr" when talking with folks...

we really listen to npr a lot. i mean, pretty much whenever we're in the car, that's all we listen to.

it's almost as if we're reasonably well informed about current events or something.

but it's more than that actually.

here's a small list of things into which we've recently gotten plugged through npr:

*david attenborough's 'life of mammals" dvd series (brilliant btw!)
*al frankin's " Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right"
*john vanderslice "time travel is lonely"
*interest only loans