Saturday, November 01, 2003

My grandfather is expiring in the next few weeks to terminal liver cancer. There is nothing they can do except to wait and try to make him comfortable.

I have never had someone close to me die before. needless to say, i've been crying a lot thinking about it. I imagine that this is a sneak preview of things to come: losing those i love the most and being very sad.

i know that this is a part of life that we all will have to deal with.

so every spare moment that i have (which as been pretty much every day after work) I am spending with my grandfather and grandmother.

2 years ago i sat down with them and a tape recorder and recorded a conversation journaling all of the places they've lived and all they've done. both my grandfather and grandmother were in the air force (he flew in ww2 and korea) so i wanted a sort of history of what they'd seen and done.

recent events reminded me that i needed to finish this project before my "sources expired". So i've been working on that as well.

on a funny note, Lara witnessed an exchange yesterday evening in the posh nursing home in which my grandparents live.

a couple in the lobby sitting on a couch together in sight of the windowed exits

old woman: i just realized that i don't think that i've told you today that i love you.

old man: you still get mad at me

old woman: that's true, but that doesn't mean i don't love you.

old man: yes it does.

old woman: look at all the traffic out there!! it's just pilled up!

it's this sort of exchange that makes me look forward to getting older.